Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Yours, disgusted

Dear Doreen,

After reading Footlaunch for some time now, I’ve come to the conclusion that you don’t bother opening your letters but just make up the problems and stick your advice on the end. I’ve written to you loads of times and never had a letter published.

Yours in disgust, Brian Dinnertime

Dear Sharon,

Don’t get mixed up, believe me: it’s clear as a bell – if Yvonne can’t be trusted to stay loyal to you, you really can’t be expected to wait around for her! She’s gone away from you and there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t make other friends.

Whether your special friend should be your vario is really up to you.

But remember, friendship is basically a matter of liking people (or electronic gadgets) and giving to them – stop thinking of it as a mad scramble and more as a bowl of luke-warm soup.

I hope this helps, Doreen.

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